Pet Insurance

Standard Claim

If your pet is insured, we request payment in full at the time of treatment as stated in our payment terms and conditions. We will Process your claim within 10 days. There is a £20.00 administration fee for all insurance claims processed. 

The quickest and easiest way to submit a claim is to email to do this you will need:

The following information is required to process a claim.

Pets name:
Policy provider:
Policy number:
Policy excess amount:
Policy excess percentage if any:
Total policy cover amount:
Any exclusions or limitations:

Direct claims

It may be possible, subject to certain conditions, for us to make a direct claim on your behalf for payment of any insured sum to come directly to the Practice from your insurers. Familiarise yourself with your pet insurance policy to understand what is covered, any deductibles, co-payments, limits, and the claims process.

Please advise a member of reception as early as possible if this is something you would require, Fill out the claim form accurately and completely. Include all the required information and documentation.

We charge a administration fee of £35 to set up a direct claim. Follow-up on-going direct claims are charged at £20 per claim. Direct claims can only be submitted with the following provisos:

  1. Direct claims must be requested and organised in advance of treatment being carried out and prior to payment being due. It is not possible to request an initial direct claim when you come to collect your pet after a period of hospitalisation and treatment.
  2. Any excess and non-insured items on the policy should be paid at the time of collection, together with any anticipated shortfall in payment. If your policy involves additional payment which is a percentage of the bill, this needs to be paid directly to us. Any additional shortfall which is owing after the claim has been settled will be payable by you to us at that time.
  3. A signed insurance claim form is required at the time of collection and for every subsequent visit, clearly indicating to the insurance company that payment is to be made to the Practice.
  4. As our client, you remain liable for all outstanding fees in the following circumstances: 
    1. The insurance company declines to accept the claim in part or in full
    2. The insurance company does not make a settlement within 30 days of submission of the claim.

It is important to appreciate that if, having carried out careful checks with you and your insurers, we decide that we are prepared to undertake a Direct Claim for the treatment for your pet, this is not a guarantee that your insurers will settle your claim, and if they fail to do so, this will result in a shortfall for which you will be liable to pay us in full.

Information we require prior to authorising a direct claim.

You must first get agreement from the practice manager that the practice is prepared to consider undertaking a direct claim.

You must telephone your insurance company to give us permission for us to telephone them and ask relevant questions about your policy. You must then inform us when this is done.

Once permission has been granted we ask the insurance company the following:

Is the policy active, are there any exclusions, what is the limit of the policy, what is the excess amount, are there any related claims, if so what and when and total amount claimed, will cover continue for the duration of the condition if it goes over renewal date.

  1. We inform the insurance company when treatment is due to take place and estimated costs.
  2. With this information we can make an educated assumption that the pet is likely to be covered for this condition. Please note, despite these pre-checks we cannot guarantee that the insurance company will pay the claim unless they carry out pre-authorisation checks. This can take up to a week and delay treatment. Most companies do not do this any faster for emergency cases.

If your insurance provider does not settle the claim, it is your responsibility to settle any outstanding balances on your account.

We reserve the right to decline a request to undertake a direct claim if circumstances suggest that the insurance company will not settle the claim.