Pre-op information

Pre-anaesthetic Information

To enable your pet’s procedure to run as smoothly as possible, please ensure you have read the following information thoroughly and that you arrive promptly to your pet’s admittance appointment. A Veterinary Nurse will need to discuss your pet’s procedure with you and ask you a few simple questions. They will also be able to clarify any queries you may have at this time. Please be aware that these appointments can take up to 15 minutes.

If your pet is coming in for a general anaesthetic or sedation, please read the following information carefully-


Please do not give your pet breakfast on the morning of their procedure. Feed them as normal the day before. Water should be available at all times. Rabbits should not be starved and therefore food and water should be available to them at all times prior to their procedure. If your pet is on regular medication, unless advised otherwise by the vet, please give this at the usual time but only use the minimum amount of food necessary to do so. After your pet’s procedure we will offer them some food, please make the admittance nurse aware of any food intolerances your pet may have.

Pre-anaesthetic blood testing:

Pre-anaesthetic blood testing can be performed on the day of your pet’s procedure. These blood tests will inform us of your pet’s basic organ function and can identify hidden health conditions. The results of these tests could prompt us to modify your pet’s anaesthetic procedure. Blood testing is strongly recommended in all patients prior to having an anaesthetic. It is especially advised in patients over the age of 8 years old and patients with known health conditions who have not had a blood test in the past six months. The nurse will be able to discuss these tests in more detail at your admittance appointment. Additional charges apply.

Laser therapy:

For most surgical procedures we are able to offer laser therapy. Laser therapy is a non-invasive, painless treatment that can aid your pet’s recovery. The laser beam penetrates tissue and induces a biological response which leads to a number of benefits; reduced pain, reduced inflammation and increased healing speed. We offer laser therapy as a course of two treatments, the first on the day of your pet’s procedure and the second at the time of your pet’s post-operative check a few days later. We can perform laser therapy on almost all surgical procedures, except mass removals. Additional charges apply.

If you have not received an estimate for your pet’s procedure, please let us know and we will get one sent to you.

Thank you for choosing Chaseview Veterinary Clinic!