Nurse Clinics

Chaseview offers nurse clinics that cover different aspects of your pet's health. These are headed by one of our most experienced veterinary nurses, Emma Jewitt.

Routine Clinics

These provide many regular routine services, such as:

  • Nail clipping
  • Ear cleaning
  • Expressing anal glands
  • Administering medications
  • Bandage changes
  • Post operative check ups
  • Stitch removals
  • Youth Club Clinics

As part of our puppy and kitten packages we provide 2 youth club clinics during your puppy or kitten's first year. In these clinics our nurse discusses with you everything you need to know about how to keep your dog and cat healthy. Subjects include vaccination, parasite control, the importance of good diets, behaviour and training, teeth care and neutering.

Dental Clinic

Dental care is as important for dogs and cats as it is in ourselves. Dental disease is very common and often goes unnoticed. Like everything prevention is better than cure but this is particularly true when it comes to teeth. Our nurses offer free dental check ups, as well as check ups being included in our Pet Health Club.

Our nurse will also do post operative checks following dental procedures and show you how to look after your pet's teeth with techniques such as tooth brushing.

Golden Oldies Clinic

Like all of us, as we age things don't seem to work quite as well as they did, so in our senior clinics our nurse will do routine screens such as a urine test and sometimes a blood test which look to detect diseases early. The earlier we detect changes the quicker we can start treatments and improve your pets quality of life.